Monday, November 16, 2009

41 weeks....SIGH....

I really thought I'd have a baby update on here by now, but alas--she is being a bit stubborn on her arrival. I am now seven days "late" and though I'm told that being a week late is actually pretty common, when you've been counting down the days for the past couple of weeks, an extra week starts to feel like an extra year!

We've had a couple of 'false alarms'--my parents have been great to come running for Alex both times--but each time ended with all signs of imminent birth going away and our wait resuming. We do have an appointment for a biophysical profile (ultrasound) tomorrow to check things out and see if we are good to wait a little longer or if we need to get this show on the road. We are very much still hoping for the homebirth that we want, but we also want to choose the safest and best option for the baby, whatever that may be.

We've tried all sorts of 'natural' induction options...herbs, eggplant parmesan, long hikes, etc., etc, but it seems that she just isn't quite ready yet. And I'm physically doing fine myself--just anxious to have her here and be able to hold her and dress her (in the outfits I picked out WEEKS ago) and finally share her name and pictures with everyone.

We even went to the "famous" Scalini's last week for their eggplant parmesan which supposedly has sent hundreds of women into labor. No such luck for us--though the meal was still quite tasty! (Not a great picture of me eating my first bite of EP--taken with my phone:)

We'll know more tomorrow after our appointment, but we definitely appreciate all of the support and well wishes. We know that everyone else is (almost) as anxious as we are for her to arrive. Fingers crossed that that happens before I have to do a Week 42 update!! :)