Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Oops...Seven, Eight and Nine Months...

Time flies when you're having fun, er, I mean chasing a baby!! :) Alex is now TEN months old (crazy, isn't it!) and is doing great. At his 9 month check-up he weighed 20 lbs, 7 oz and was 29.5" tall. He looks like a little toddler now and people are always suprised that he's not as old as he looks. He is now getting into everything--he rolls, scoots, crawls, and this week has learned to pull-up to standing. We were so used to being able to just leave him in one spot and those days are SO over now! He has been quite healthy except for last month when we almost earned our own parking spot at the doctor's office. I'll blame it on being a 'nervous new mom'--but it seemed like we were there every day. Nothing too serious--apparently the doctor's office was doing a fundraiser and needed our co-payment more than usual. Haha.

Kevin has had a great season of soccer with his team at Jackson High. They are actually one game away from the state play-offs. Alex has been a good fan and usually makes it through most of a game before getting bored. He is a very curious and active baby--thank goodness for Cheerios! A handful of those and he's at least content for a little while.

I'm still enjoying being a stay-at-home mom, and thankfully I've been able to do lots of photography work as well. Alex and I have joined a playgroup and it's been fun for him to be around other children. We also did a mommy-and-baby swim class in February and that was really fun too--Alex is quite a fish in the water!

Anyway, I could go on and on (I usually do) but I think that's a good update for now. There are lots of new pictures on my website at www.shivers.photosite.com, under "Alexander James". I have several new videos too, but they take longer than a nap-time to upload. :)

Hope you are all doing well and having a great Spring!